A Day in the Life of an Orchestra Musician | Episode 26
How do you become a professional clarinetist? It’s not just about being lucky. It takes a ton of practice and a bit of bravery! In this...

A Singer and Future Doctor | Episode 25
St James Town Community Arts voice student Thaanya gives us the ins and outs of online voice lessons and how music will influence her future

Five Instruments You've Never Heard Of | Episode 27
The world is full of interesting instruments! Here are a few you have never heard of. They are old, come from far away lands or are wacky!

Kids React to Contemporary Music | Episode 28
What does classical music written today sound like? What is music? How should it make us feel? What should music written today sound like?

Summer Practicing | Episode 24
Rebecca and Zara breakdown three options for summer practicing and reveal which is the best to keep you and your instrument happy!

Our Top 10 Practice Games | Episode 23
We’ll be honest, sometimes practicing isn’t fun. But there are ways to spice it up! We compiled a list of our top 10 practice games.

Positive Practicing with Christine Goodner | Episode 22
This week violin teacher and practice expert Christine Goodner shares her tips for making practicing fun for both student and parent!

Audrey & Sophia Talk Practicing | Episode 21
Practicing looks a little different for everyone! This week we chat with piano students Sophia and Audrey, who share their practice tips.

We All Have An Instrument | Episode 20
Marcia Whitehead, professional singer, author and Goddess of Operations at Upper Beaches Music School, shares her journey to vocal recovery.

Hogtown Brass | Episode 19
Are trumpets trying to take over the world? This is just one of many questions Jay Austin, French hornist of Hogtown Brass, answered for us.