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Bugs Bunny

Most of us remember watching Bugs Bunny and LooneyTunes cartoons for the slapstick feuds between all the characters, but do you remember all the classical music that accompanied them? For many people, these cartoons were their first introduction to cassical music. They're awesome vehicles to introduce kids to classical music, and you'll all be laughing too! Bugs Bunny can dress the part, whatever the instrument he plays!

He's a pianist!

Bugs Bunny performs Hungarian Rhapsody no. 2 by Franz Liszt in this short. He's joined by a rascally friend who tries to help. We're pretty sure this friend just wants to learn how to play the piano!


He's a conductor!

Bugs Bunny picks up the baton in this short to conduct his arch-rival, the opera singer! The opera singer might be the real winner here... can you hold a note like him?


You can do it too!

Bugs Bunny snaps his baton to show how well he can conduct, but most conductors actually use a baton! Your child can make their own baton, and even customize it with their favourite colours (most batons look boringly "professional").



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